Ben Frost tells the story of a soldier serving in Iraq who bought one of his "Apocalypse Wow!" prints...
"I sold one of my prints to a really great guy who is/was serving in Iraq.
He bought the print - titled 'Apocalypse Wow!' via stupidkrap! a while back - these are the photos he sent to me.
He told me how he had bought the print for his buddy who was a sniper and that he was into art and had saved him from a few hairy situations. I haven't heard from him in a while, but I hope he made it back safely.
We had some trouble getting the print over to him, as you can't send packages directly to Camp Freedom. It was returned to sender in the post, so we forwarded it to his family in the US, and they forwarded it on.
These images are definitely a highlight of my life."
More images on Juxtapoz. Prints available through Stupid Krap. |