We'd like to take this opportunity to say a big thank you to all of you who've made this such an amazing first year for No Walls and wish you all a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.
Since our launch with Ben Frost's Crapitalism back in September, so much has happened in what seems like such a short space of time.... from the chaos of our inaugural show, to publishing our first prints, to amassing a client list spanning all five continents and all walks of life from policemen to celebrities, from movie producers to accountants, from doctors to the guy who did our plumbing we thank you all for making it an amazing few months.
Once the festive season is out of the way we've got some amazing stuff in store and plenty more beautiful work on the way. Who knows, we might even have half a clue what we're doing in 2009.
Monday will be our last day at No Walls towers until we return on the 2nd of January. Any orders placed through the site after the 22nd will be shipped out on our return on the 2nd of January.
Thanks again all. Peace. |